
So you’ve had a look at my blog and want to know what it’s all about eh?? Good question!

This blog is filled with the events of my life. Mostly trivial tales of a 23 year old trying to find her way in the world. I can’t promise that all my posts will make you giggle. Occasionally, I might even get “deep” but I’ll try to keep that to a minimum.

If you enjoy my ramblings then please return for a weekly update! x

I’ve recently decided to reinvigorate this blog and I have been duly reminded that the bio is just a touch (6 years) out of date. When I started first posting my online ramblings, I was a vivacious twenty-three year old with a thirst for life. Now, with the passing of time I have become hardened to the world and the fickle joys which it claims to hold.

Follow the blog, or don’t – who cares!

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