It’s been awhile

Earlier this week while talking to one of my oldest friends I was alerted to the fact that I have slightly been neglecting this blog and I would hate for the most embarrassing details of my life to not get splashed all over the internet. I rang her and was met with a flurry of questions

“What’s wrong? What’ve you been doing? I don’t know what’s happening with your life”

So in case there are others out there who are restless and unable to sleep wondering what I’m doing with my life. Here is the latest instalment in my all to public diary.

Farewell Tinder

Tinder has been a big part of my dating life over the past 12 months but as you can see from my blog over the year it has mostly introduced me to slightly unstable, totally unsuitable and on occasion some complete and utter weirdos. So in February 2015 I had one of the biggest break ups of my life. I broke up with Tinder – never to swipe left or right again! So here I am small fish in a big city with not a clue what to do next.

With trepidation I realised that I was going to have to make my way out in the world and actually talk to people like in the good old days when face to face interaction prevailed over face to screen. Feeling like Bear Grylls I made my way into the wild and ventured to Salsa Club on a Wednesday night.

Wednesday may seem like a strange choice but I figured that Saturdays are too mainstream whereas mid week is more relaxed.

Making my moves

So there I was in Salsa with absolutely no idea what to do next. So I did what any logical Irish woman would do – a plethora of shots, in a variety of colours, one of which had an alcohol percentage of 64%. Suddenly I was feeling a heck of a lot more confident. I spotted a male and walked over. There’s a few seconds of conversation that is a bit fizzy and then I punched him square in the jaw (plot twist!). And then we kissed. See this real world dating is easy one you perfect your right hook.

His name was Hussain but I christened him Barry and he seemed to like his new title and asked me out the very next day. We went for drinks and chat flowed easily but he’s still not the one! So it’s back to the gym to perfect my aim….If only cupid would do the same!!

2 thoughts on “It’s been awhile

  1. is there any way you could get paid to do these neets – you could be a regular columnist in a magazine you know! you funny wee fecker :-*

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